How to delete all bin/obj folders in a complex solution in GitBash
Sometimes we need to delete all the bin/obj folders in a solution to resolve issues in Rider or Visual Studio. I assume you already have your preferred method for this task, but I would like to share my approach here in case someone else is unaware of how to do it in GitBash or MSYS terminal:
set -e
# Find and display directories to be deleted
find . \( -iname "bin" -o -iname "obj" \) -type d -print
# Prompt user for confirmation
read -p "The above folders are going to be deleted, are you sure? [Y/N]: " -n 1 -r
echo # Move to a new line
# Delete directories if confirmed
if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then
find . \( -iname "bin" -o -iname "obj" \) -type d -exec rm -rfv {} +
echo "Done"
echo "No"
exit 1