Posts in category “Tips”


Reverrend Chalfant tells of a couple who were celebrating their golden wedding anniversary. The husband was asked what the secret was to his successful marriage. As the elderly are wont to do, the old gentleman answered with a story.

His wife, Sarah, was the only girl he ever dated. He grew up in an orphanage and worked hard for everything he had. He never had time to date until Sarah swept him off his feet. Before he knew it she had managed to get him to ask her to marry him.

After they had said their vows on their wedding day, Sarah's father took the new groom aside and handed him a small gift. He said: "Within this gift is all you really need to know to have a happy marriage." The nervous young man fumbled with the paper and ribbon until he got the package unwrapped. Within the box lay a large gold watch. With great care he picked it up. Upon close examination he saw etched across the face of the watch a prudent reminder he would see whenever he checked the time of day... words that, if heeded, held the secret to a successful marriage. They were, "Say something nice to Sarah."

Reverrend Chalfant 讲了一个有关一对正在庆祝金婚纪念日的老夫妇的故事。有人问这位丈夫他婚姻成功的秘诀是什么,和老人们一贯的做法一样,这位老绅士讲了一个故事。

他的妻子,Sarah,是他的初恋。他在一个孤儿院长大, 不论做什么事情都非常努力。在被 Sarah 迷住之前,他从来没有约会过。其实 Sarah 早就创造过求婚的机会给他。

婚礼那天,夫妻双方宣誓之后,Sarah 的爸爸把新郎叫到一边,给了他一个小礼物。他说:“你想知道的幸福婚姻密诀,就在这个礼物里”。紧张的年轻人笨手笨脚的打开了盒子,盒里装着一块大金表。他小心翼翼的拿起这块表, 仔细端详, 金表的表面上蚀刻着一句箴言, 他每次看时间的时候都能看到, 只要遵守它, 它就是成功婚姻的密诀。这句话是:“说 Sarah 爱听的话”。

GitHub: [support question] How to find all my comments #58062

XUbuntu Fix long beep after a few minutes playing a video or audio

sudo vim /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf
# add this line at the end of the file & save
options snd_sof sof_debug=1


SqlSugar: Connection open error . The given key '25971' was not present in the dictionary.

Solution: put charset=utf8mb4 into the connection string.

Conquering GitHub with Your Keyboard: The Power of "gh"

Tired of that browser tab switcheroo just to manage your GitHub tasks? Enter "gh", the command-line superhero that streamlines your workflow.

Why "gh" Rocks

For us command-line ninjas, "gh" is a game-changer. Ditch the endless tab dance! Create a pull request, find yours, it's all right there in your terminal.

Gettin' Started with "gh"

Installation's a breeze, no matter your OS:

  • Windows: Chocolatey to the rescue! Run choco install gh in your command prompt.
  • Linux: Package manager to the rescue! For Ubuntu/Debian, use sudo apt install gh.
  • macOS: Homebrew's your friend. Just run brew install gh in your terminal.

"gh" Setup: Simple as Can Be

Windows users might need to add gh.exe to their PATH for easy access, but Linux and macOS users can just dive right in. No extra setup, just pure productivity.

Exploring "gh"'s Awesomeness

Ready to unleash the power? Here's a taste:

  • See Your Pull Requests: gh pr view keeps you in the loop, no browser needed.
  • Create Pull Requests in a Flash: gh pr create gets things rolling directly from your terminal.

These are just a peek – "gh" has tons more to offer. Explore the docs and discover features that fit your workflow perfectly.

The Verdict

In our time-crunched world, tools like "gh" are golden. By harnessing the command line, you can streamline your GitHub tasks and focus on the real prize: killer code. Give "gh" a try and see how it transforms your development game!