- To check if a log message with a specific prefix is logged, you can use Moq's Verify method along with an appropriate assertion.
_logger.Verify(logger => logger.logInformation(
It.Is<string>(s => s.StartsWith("specific prefix"))), Times.Once);
- To verify that a method is called with an object containing a specific property value, you can use Moq's
matcher along with a lambda expression. Here's an example:
_mockObject.Verify(x => x.MyMethod(It.Is<MyObject>(
obj => obj.PropertyValue == expectedPropertyValue)), Times.Once);
- Correctly returns null: Sometimes we need to set up a Moq mock to return null but cannot directly do it as Moq doesn't allow. Please check the following way that you should use:
b => b.GetBookStoreAccountByUserName(It.IsAny<string>()))
The key is to use (BookStoreAccount)null
to explicitly cast null to the expected return type.
When should I use mockObject.Reset() and when should I use mockObject.Invocations.Clear()?
In the context of using a mocking framework like Moq in C# for unit testing, the choice between mockObject.Reset()
and mockObject.Invocations.Clear()
depends on what you want to achieve.
- This is specific to the Moq library.
- It resets the mock object, removing any setups or custom behavior you might have defined for that mock.
- It does not clear recorded invocations; you can still access them after calling
var mock = new Mock<MyClass>();
mock.Setup(x => x.MyMethod()).Returns("Original");
// ... code using the mock ...
// Reset the mock, removing setups
// Now, if you call the method, it won't use the previous setup
var result = mock.Object.MyMethod();
- This clears the recorded invocations on the mock object.
- It doesn't affect setups or custom behavior. It just removes the history of invocations.
- This can be useful when you want to verify interactions or check the number of invocations without interference from previous test runs.
var mock = new Mock<MyClass>();
mock.Setup(x => x.MyMethod()).Returns("Original");
// ... code using the mock ...
// Clear recorded invocations
// Now, if you verify invocations, it won't consider previous calls
mock.Verify(x => x.MyMethod(), Times.Never());
In summary:
- Use
when you want to clear setups and start fresh with the mock.
- Use
when you want to clear the history of invocations, but keep the existing setups and behaviors.
If I set up a method with the same parameters multiple times, the last setup will take effect, right?
In most mocking frameworks, including Moq for C#, the answer is YES. Each new setup for the same method and parameters overrides any previous setups.
Here's an example using Moq:
// Setting up the method with the same parameters but different returns
mock.Setup(x => x.MyMethod()).Returns("FirstSetup");
mock.Setup(x => x.MyMethod()).Returns("SecondSetup");
// Now, if you call the method, it will return "SecondSetup"
var result = mock.Object.MyMethod();
We can get unexpected trailing zeros when we serialzie an object with decimal properties, normally it will not hurt. However, it does hurt when we want to compare two objects by serializing them to JSON string. I tried a few solutions and finally find the following one is the best.
public static decimal Normalize(this decimal value)
return value/1.000000000000000000000000000000000m;
Game scripting mastery 是一本不可多得的好书,除了写得啰嗦。
豆瓣网友 全棧法師张解靈 2018-08-01 16:37:13 写道:
说实话,难看。 但是内容完全没问题,就是实在太啰嗦了,即使英语原著也是...看得有点难受,想跳呢又怕错过好东西,想慢慢看呢又...还是慢慢啃吧 如果谁重排一个脱水版,我绝对打满分
另一个网友 TerryX 2017-01-06 18:44:19 写道:
We use Graylog to log everything, on Windows machines we also log into EventLog. I recently noticed for every exception in C# I got two items in EventViewer, one is Logged by our code, and the other is logged by the .net runtime I guess. It is a little bit annoying. TLDR; here's the answer:
public override void OnException(ExceptionContext actionExecutedContext)
+ actionExecutedContext.ExceptionHandled = true;
actionExecutedContext.HttpContext.Response.StatusCode = StatusCodes.Status500InternalServerError;
actionExecutedContext.Result = new ObjectResult(new ErrorResponse()
StatusCode = (HttpStatusCode) StatusCodes.Status500InternalServerError,
Message = actionExecutedContext.Exception.Message,
The key is this line actionExecutedContext.ExceptionHandled = true;