Posts tagged with “chryp-lite”

Set done a simple automatically backup system for this site

I didn't forget I haven't set up a backup system for this blog site. So I got it done today.

Two things need to backup, they are

  1. the MySQL database
  2. the uploads directory that contains the pictures, files you've uploaded to this site

Since local backup is not safe, finally I chose the Yandex.Disk as my cloud storage. Just register an account in 5 minutes and you will get 10G cloud storage with Linux friendly sync feature. Yandex.Disk also supports symbol links, that's quite good.

run crontab -e and fill in below lines, the setting was done!

 15 3 * * * mysqldump --databases blog | gzip > /home/zhongwei/Yandex.Disk/backups/mysql/blog_`date '+\%Y\%m\%d-\%H\%M\%S'`.sql.gz
 20 3 * * * find /home/zhongwei/Yandex.Disk/backups/mysql/blog* -mtime +30 -exec rm {} \;

As the uploads folder for my blog, what you need to do is creating a symbol link to the Yandex.Disk folder:

ln -s /www/blog/uploads /home/zhongwei/Yandex.Disk/backups/blog_uploads

This blog is inspired by source

First post

I just finished the installation for the Chryp lite blog system. I met a small issue related to its compatibility with MySQL version 8 but I managed to resolve it. Happy!

The issue is that "groups" word has become a reserved keyword in MySQL 8.x, and unfortunately, there's a table in this blog system named "groups" too. I first tried to use "``" to encapsulate the table name and I failed quickly because there are too many places using the table name.

Fortunately, the install program supports me to add a table prefix for all tables. So it was resolved by simply adding a table prefix!
