Vue.js Event modifier: .stop .prevent .passive .once .self .capture explanation
Two articles explain well this subject. One is in Chinese, the other is in English.
Two articles explain well this subject. One is in Chinese, the other is in English.
doesn't work in el-input
, but @keyup.enter.native="eventHandler"
does. #element-uigit rm -rf . && git clean -fxd
is the best way to delete all files except .git directory. #gittry_files $uri $uir/ =404;
is better than try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html;
, because it can avoid endless loop when /index.html doesn't exist. #nginx git tag -n99
show tags along with annotations Reference0 6 * * * /bin/docker container prune -f
10 6 * * * /bin/docker rmi $(/bin/docker images -f "dangling=true" -q)
Template part,
<el-select v-model="form.categoryIdList" multiple @change="setValue(form.categoryIdList)">
Component part,
setValue(object) {
this.$set(this.form, this.form.categoryIdList, object)