书摘:The Best of Epic Sex Stories
2023-06-11 17:57:10
Paying for each and every sex act would be prostitution, but having a long term relationship where the guy provides economic assistance to the woman is how the world works.
2023-06-15 21:31:03
just like you cannot teach kids who don't want to learn -- you can't fix people who prefer to stay broken.
2023-06-23 16:57:37
The most precious thing in life is not money, but time, and the biggest factor in anyone's happiness is who they choose to spend their life with."
2023-06-23 18:36:10
Younger men want to replace masturbation with sex, but older men want sex in addition to masturbation.
2023-06-23 18:43:59
Husbands do not replace wives that they still find sexy and wives do not leave husbands they still respect.
2023-06-23 18:46:08
a man is only as old as the woman he feels.
2023-06-23 20:13:27
relationships only last when both parties feel they bring something equal to the table.
2023-06-23 20:13:53
life was never meant to be fair. Instead, life was meant to be hard.
2023-06-30 12:24:50
Some people you know better in a minute than other people in a lifetime.
2023-06-30 12:57:40
2023-06-30 15:06:10
Sex is the only act that is legal if free and illegal if paid for. It makes no damn sense.
2023-06-30 15:09:07
You're not dumb, and there's nothing wrong with profiting from a personal relationship.
2023-07-08 08:25:35
When women say they want honesty in a relationship, they’re lying.
2023-07-08 08:29:49
When she smiled back, I lit up like a Christmas tree.
2024-06-03 07:30:46
The preacher thought doubt was the true enemy of religion, but actually it was knowledge.
2024-06-03 07:38:41
A man who cannot treat his family with love cannot be Christian.
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