= null! vs. = string.Empty: Best Practices for Model Class Initialization

The choice between = null! and = string.Empty depends on the context and the intent of the code. Here's a breakdown to help you decide:

= null!

When to Use:

  1. You Intend to Initialize the Field Later:

    • Use = null! when the property or field is expected to be set by a constructor, a method, or dependency injection after the object is created.

    • Example:

      public string Name { get; set; } = null!;
    • Why: null! tells the compiler to trust you that the value will be assigned before being accessed.

  2. Avoid Premature Default Values:

    • If a default value like string.Empty doesn't make sense for the context, null! keeps the intent clearer.
  3. For Models or Data Contracts:

    • In cases where fields are expected to match a schema or be deserialized from external sources, it might be better to indicate "unknown until set."

    • Example:

      public string Username { get; set; } = null!; // Will be deserialized later

= string.Empty

When to Use:

  1. Default Values Are Meaningful:

    • Use = string.Empty when an empty string is a valid and reasonable default.

    • Example:

      public string Name { get; set; } = string.Empty;
    • Why: This avoids null-checking or potential runtime errors when accessing the property.

  2. Simpler to Work With:

    • If the field/property is commonly accessed and null is not a meaningful value in your application, an empty string simplifies the logic (avoids extra null-checks).
  3. UI or Display-Friendly Fields:

    • For fields used in UI contexts, empty strings often make more sense than null:

      public string Description { get; set; } = string.Empty;

Key Differences

Aspect = null! = string.Empty
Purpose Indicates value will be set later. Provides an immediate, valid default.
Compiler Warnings Suppresses nullability warnings (unsafe). Avoids nullability warnings entirely.
Clarity Explicitly states "not initialized yet". Implies "initialized to empty value now".
Best Fit Models, external contracts, DI patterns. Readily usable properties or fields.

When to Avoid = null!

  • When it's unclear who or what will initialize the property.
  • When using null might lead to accidental runtime errors.
  • When the property will be frequently accessed before initialization.


  • Use = string.Empty when empty strings make sense as defaults and simplify code.
  • Use = null! when initialization will occur later, and null isn't a valid or meaningful runtime value.

You know who is the real author of this article, don't you? :P


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