Posts in category “Programming”

Two silly moments when I develop using Vue.js

  1. Bound object changes but the UI didn't change. Solution:

Template part,

<el-select v-model="form.categoryIdList" multiple @change="setValue(form.categoryIdList)">

Component part,

    setValue(object) {
      this.$set(this.form, this.form.categoryIdList, object)
  1. VUE_APP_CUSTOM_VARIBLE doesn't work, solution:
Restart your dev server.

Samples for setting the urls and environment for a .net core application


ASPNETCORE_URLS="http://*:9143" ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT="Development" dotnet Yourproject.dll
ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT="Development" dotnet run --urls "http://*:9143" --no-launch-profile

for Windows command line (cmd.exe)

setx ASPNETCORE_URLS "http://localhost:5001"
dotnet Yourproject.dll

for Windows powershell

$Env: ASPNETCORE_URLS "http://localhost:5001"
dotnet Yourproject.dll


离奇的axios返回数据:得到了一个JSON 字符串而不是一个JSON 对象。

同事前两天遇到一个离奇的 axios 问题,response.data看上去非常正常,但无法访问这个对象里面的任何一个键。console.log( 一看果然是 string。 同事很茫然,一直都好好的,也没有改什么啊。

改了 db.json。里面有一个多余的逗号。axios解析json字符串失败,就一声没吭的返回了字符串而非对象。这个坑货!想想axios也很无辜....因为我们有时候可能真的会有需要返回字符串。所以写期望的返回数据时,别偷懒又允许json又允许text。也许只允许json就不会有这个问题了。(待验证)


好香的接口测试工具:Insomnia Rest Client

这是我从新近follow的一个推友 @tywtywtyw 的推文里拣到的宝。他在推文里说

放弃了 postman 和 postwomen, 来到了 insomnia

能比 Postman 更好?这勾起了我的好奇心。结果发现真香。

顺便说一下,他的口号是“Design and debug APIs like a human, not a robot.”

  1. 不用写脚本,可以指定当前请求依赖哪个请求,以及是使用缓存的请求结果,还是需要时再发新请求(通常我都会选择发新请求,毕竟token会过期)
  2. 最重要的键是 Ctrl+空格。这是 autocomplete 的热键。
  3. 界面相对易用。
  4. 有父环境和子环境的概念,公共的东西写到父环境里,能省一些时间
  5. 就像使用苹果的软件,你不需要专门保存你的接口,你写了,你run了,接口就自动存好了。


我已经决定扔掉 Postman 了。就是这么喜新厌旧。

.net core System.text.json Serialize & Deserialize

If the field names in your Model class are not exactly the same as in a JSON string, you will need adding an option to guarantee the behavior is what you want. For example, if you have got the following response text:


and you have a Model class below:

class SampleModel 
   public string Hello { get; set; };

You can see the property name in your Model class is "Hello" instead of "hello", the following code won't get an expecting result.

SampleModel s = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<SampleModel>("{\"hello\":\"world\"}");

you will get an object like

  "Hello": null 

You have to use an option below to get it to work.

SampleModel s = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<SampleModel>("{\"hello\":\"world\"}", new JsonSerializerOptions
                PropertyNameCaseInsensitive = true,

on the other hand, you have to use the following code to guarantee the serialize behavior:

SampleModel s = JsonSerializer.Serialize(new SampleModel() {Hello="world"}, new JsonSerializerOptions
                DictionaryKeyPolicy = JsonNamingPolicy.CamelCase

Thus you get {"Hello":"world"} instead of {"hello":"world"}.

System.text.json sucks.