


Fix the ‘Too Many Open Files’ Error in a systemd service in Linux

In short:

Change the service file, and add two lines after [Service] line,


If you want to know more, read the Reference

SELinux sucks?! Safety always means inconvenient, right!

Just record what I made Nginx working with a project located in someone's HOME directory on a Linux machine with SELinux on.

  1. Nginx seems working normally, but it actually Didn't listen to a non-80 port at all. If it reports ValueError: Port tcp/8081 already defined, replace -a with -m.

semanage port -a -t http_port_t -p tcp 8081

Reference1 Reference2

  1. telnet localhost 8081 works, but telnet 8081 from another machine not working!

firewall-cmd permanent add-port=8081/tcp

firewall-cmd --reload

  1. Everything seems working good, but when you visit your site, Nginx just gives you a 403! You should ensure Nginx can access your project directory, everyone knows that, but is not enough when SELinux is on.

setsebool -P httpd_enable_homedirs 1

setenforce 0
systemctl restart nginx
systemctl daemon-reload


Caution: Javascript A || B expression is handy, but it also can cause tricky bugs

I had written the following code in a project

   return s && s.value || null

It works well for some days until a colleague did some code refactoring. In the beginning, s.value is a string value, and an empty string is not a valid value, so the code works well. After the refactoring, s.value became an integer, and this time 0 is a valid value. So you can imagine when s.value === 0 the code above will return null instead of 0. It leads to a bug!

Therefore please use the"A || B" expression with caution!

微信浏览器内H5活动页调起小程序, 服务器端开发备忘

  1. 公众平台设置H5静态页服务器IP白名单

  2. 上传验证文件到根目录(一定要先做好这一步才能做下一步啊

  3. 公众平台设置域名白名单

  4. 服务器端配置公众平台 appId, appSecret

  5. 缓存针对此appId的 accessToken 和 jsapi_ticket

  6. 服务器端生成签名.....参数一定要按字典序!(坑)