Posts tagged with “happynotes”

指南:添加 HappyNotes web到手机桌面

很多人不喜欢web app是因为要先打开浏览器再输入相应的网址,然而这一繁琐步骤是可以免去的,你完全可以像使用原生app一样使用web app。 我个人更喜欢web app,因此特意在这里告诉潜在的HappyNotes用户,只需几秒钟,你就能将它固定在手机桌面上,不论看起来还是用起来都像一个真正的移动App。

为什么 Webapp 如此棒

在介绍安装步骤前,我先啰嗦几句为什么 webapp 很酷:

  • 你永远在使用最新版本,无需手动更新
  • 体积小得令人惊讶
  • 跨设备使用,随时随地
  • 不受应用商店审核限制

iPhone 用户安装指南 📱

  1. 在 Safari 浏览器中打开 HappyNotes, 网址
  2. 点击分享按钮(带箭头的方形图标)
  3. 向下滚动,选择"添加到主屏幕"
  4. 给它起个喜欢的名字(比如"HappyNotes")
  5. 点击"添加" - 大功告成!

Android 用户安装指南 🤖

  1. 打开 Chrome 浏览器,进入 HappyNotes, 网址
  2. 点击菜单(三个点)或查找"+"图标
  3. 选择"添加到主屏幕"
  4. 为快捷方式命名
  5. 点击"添加" - 搞定!

现在,你可以直接从主屏幕点击 HappyNotes。随时随地,记你想记!

Howto: Add HappyNotes web to your phone's home screen

Ever wanted to use HappyNotes but thought it seemed complicated? This guide helps you add this webapp to your phone's home screen in just a few seconds, making it feel just like a native app!

Why Webapps Are Actually Amazing

Before we dive into installation, let me share why webapps like HappyNotes are fantastic:

  • Always use the latest version automatically
  • Zero download size (no massive app store downloads!)
  • Work across all devices

For iPhone Users 📱

  1. Open HappyNotes in Safari
  2. Tap the share button (square with an arrow pointing up)
  3. Scroll and select "Add to Home Screen"
  4. Name it as you like (e.g., "HappyNotes")
  5. Tap "Add" - done!

For Android Users 🤖

  1. Open Chrome and navigate to HappyNotes
  2. Tap the menu (three dots) or look for a "+" icon
  3. Choose "Add to Home Screen"
  4. Name your shortcut
  5. Tap "Add" - you're all set!

Pro tip: The icon will look just like a regular app icon. Your friends won't even know the difference! 😉

Now you can tap HappyNotes directly from your home screen, just like any other app. Enjoy seamless, always-updated note-taking wherever you go!

Migrated your moments from HappyFeed to HappyNotes

First, get your moments data

(function () {
  const MAX_WAIT_TIME = 50000; // If the button is always not there, we wait at most 50 seconds.
  const CHECK_INTERVAL = 1000; // If the button is not there, we do the same check after 1 scond
  const buttonSelector = '#__next > main > div > div.MomentHistory_moment-history__inner__a9etG > button';

  // Initially finding the button
  const button = document.querySelector(buttonSelector);
  if (button) {;
    console.log('Found the button and clicked');
  } else {
    console.log('No Load button at all');

  // 当前已等待的时间
  let elapsedTime = 0;

  // 定时器开始循环查找,立即获得 intervalId
  const intervalId = setInterval(() => {
    elapsedTime += CHECK_INTERVAL;

    // Searching the Load button
    const retryButton = document.querySelector(buttonSelector);
    if (retryButton) {;
      elapsedTime = 0
      console.log('Found the button and clicked');
    } else {
      console.log('Could not find the button, continue searching...');

    // If we could no longer find the button in MAX_WAIT_TIME, we know the work has been done.
    if (elapsedTime >= MAX_WAIT_TIME) {
      console.error('Could not find the button any more, stopping....');
      clearInterval(intervalId); // Stop the interval
  }, CHECK_INTERVAL); // check if we can find the button every second

Second, extract the data into a JSON object from the long page we get by clicking the Load button again and again by the script above

const diaryEntries = [];
const listItems = document.querySelectorAll('.MomentListItem_moment-list__item__d5UJL');

// Helper function:Convert date into yyyy-MM-dd format
function formatDate(dateString) {
    const months = {
        January: "01", February: "02", March: "03", April: "04", May: "05", June: "06",
        July: "07", August: "08", September: "09", October: "10", November: "11", December: "12"
    const [month, day, year] = dateString.split(" ");
    return `${year}-${months[month]}-${day.padStart(2, '0')}`;

listItems.forEach(item => {
    const dateElement = item.querySelector('.MomentListItem_moment-item__date__XfMA8');
    const contentElement = item.querySelector('.MomentListItem_moment-item__text__F5V2C > p');
    const photoElement = item.querySelector('.MomentImage_root__uLWy7 img');
    const videoElement = item.querySelector('.MomentListItem_moment-item__video__16FUa video');

    const entry = {
        pdate: dateElement ? formatDate(dateElement.textContent.replace('Posted ', '').trim()) : null,
        content: contentElement ? contentElement.textContent.trim() : '',
        photo: ''

    if (photoElement) { = photoElement.getAttribute('src');
    } else if (videoElement) {
        const thumbnail = videoElement.getAttribute('poster'); = thumbnail ? thumbnail.trim() : '';

    diaryEntries.reverse(); // make sure the old data is at the beginning

Third, send the moments data to HappyNotes by the following script

// Your personal token
const token = "eyJh...";

// API endpoint
const apiUrl = "";

// Function to send a note
async function sendNote(note) {
    const contentWithPhoto = 
        ? `${note.content}\n\n ![image](${})`
        : note.content;

    const payload = {
        isprivate: true,
        isMarkdown: true,
        publishDateTime: note.pdate,
        timezoneId: "Pacific/Auckland",
        content: contentWithPhoto

    try {
        const response = await fetch(apiUrl, {
            method: "POST",
            headers: {
                Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`,
                "Content-Type": "application/json"
            body: JSON.stringify(payload)

        if (!response.ok) {
            throw new Error(`HTTP error! Status: ${response.status}`);

        console.log(`Note sent successfully: ${await response.text()}`);
    } catch (error) {
        console.error(`Error sending note: ${error.message}`);

// Send notes one by one
(async () => {
    var date = ''
    var minutes = '00'
    for (const note of diaryEntries) {
        if (note.pdate != date) {
           date = note.pdate
           minutes = '00'
        } else {
           minutes = (+minutes + 10) + ''
        note.pdate += ` 20:${minutes}:00`
        await sendNote(note);

You need to get the token by a manually login. Don't share the token to anyone else! Anyone who gets the token can access your account and data. Follow the following steps to get your personal token.

Open the DevTools on Chrome or Firefox, then do a fresh login.


Step 6 in detail: Configure Telegram Sync in HappyNotes

If you haven't read Step1 to Step 5, click Step 1 ~ Step 5

  1. Open the HappyNotes App:

    • Open with your favorite broswer and then navigate to the **Settings** page.
  2. Access Telegram Sync Settings:

    • Within the Settings page, look for the "Note Sync - Telegram" option.
    • Tap on it to open the sync settings page.
  3. Add a New Sync Configuration:

    • On the sync settings page, click on the "+ Add" button to create a new sync configuration.
  4. Enter the Required Information:

    • Source Note Choose the appropriate source note to sync from the options provided (e.g., Public, Private, All, Tag).

      • All - for backup purpose. It will sync every new note to the channel you specified. (Please don't use a public channel if you have any private notes!!!)
      • Private - only sync private notes to specified channel, you definitely should not use a public channel for this type of notes!
      • Public - only sync public notes to specified channel - if you use a telegram channel for your blog or microblog purpose, this option is for you!
      • Tag - only sync notes that are tagged with specific tag, You must know that it does not check the private/public flag, every new note that has the specified tag will be sent to the specified channel.
    • Channel Id: In the "Channel Id" field, enter the Channel Id you obtained earlier which looks like -100123456789.

    • Channel Name: This is a remark for the channel id, you can use the same channel name on Telegram or anything else you want.

    • Telegram Bot Token: In this field, paste your Telegram Bot Token . I strongly recommend you to use copy/paste feature instead of manually typing the token to avoid typos.

    • **Token Remark: ** Just like the channel name, this Token Remark helps you remember which token you are using for this channel. You can use your bot's name or anything else you want.

  5. Save the Configuration:

    • After filling in the details, click the "Save" button to store your sync configuration.
  6. Test the Sync Setting:

    • Once saved, you'll see your new configuration listed on the sync settings page.
    • Tap the "Test" button to send a test message to your Telegram channel.
    • If the test is successful, you’ll receive a confirmation message in your Telegram channel indicating that the sync is working, and the Test button will disappear.
  7. Activate or Adjust Sync Settings:

    • You can Disable or Activate or Delete a setting based on your requirements.
    • Make sure your bot is active and configured correctly to ensure smooth synchronization.

How to Sync Your Telegram Channel with HappyNotes

Happy Notes app recentlys supports to sync new notes to your specified telegram channel based on the rules you set. If you want to enjoy seamless note synchronization between your Telegram channel and the HappyNotes app, follow these easy steps:

Step 0: Find and Add @getidsbot

  • Open Telegram and search for @getidsbot.
  • Start a chat with the bot by clicking on "Start."

Step 1: Create Your Telegram Bot

  • Search for @BotFather in Telegram and start a conversation.
  • Use the /newbot command to create a new bot.
  • Follow the prompts to give your bot a name and username.
  • Note: The bot's username must end with "bot" (e.g., MySyncBot).

Step 2: Get Your Telegram Bot Token

  • After creating the bot, @BotFather will provide you with a token. This token is essential for integrating your bot with other services, so keep it safe.

Step 3: Add Your Bot to Your Telegram Channel as an Admin

Convenient Method:

  1. Open the conversation with your newly created bot in Telegram.
  2. Tap on the bot's icon in the top right corner.
  3. Click on "Add to Group or Channel".
  4. Select the channel you want to add the bot to, and it will automatically be added as an admin with the necessary permissions.

Alternative Method:

  1. Go to your Telegram channel's settings.
  2. Select "Administrators" and manually add your newly created bot as an admin.
  3. Ensure the bot has the necessary permissions to send and manage messages.

Step 4: Manually Write the First Message to the Channel

  • Send a message to your channel as you usually would. This message is necessary to identify the channel ID later.

Step 5: Forward the Message to @getidsbot

  • Forward the message you just sent to @getidsbot.
  • The bot will reply with the channel ID. Keep this ID safe; you’ll need it for the next step.

Step 6: Configure Telegram Sync in HappyNotes

Step 7: Test the Setting

  • Use the "Test" option in HappyNotes to send a test message to your Telegram channel.
  • Ensure the message is successfully sent, confirming the integration is working.

Step 8: Enjoy Syncing Your Notes with Telegram!

  • With everything set up, your notes will now sync with your Telegram channel automatically.
  • You can now easily access your notes from within Telegram, making your workflow even smoother.