Chromebook / Macbook Pro (mid 2010) setup xubuntu 22.04 note

  1. Download xubuntu 22.04 iso
  2. insert usb stick
  3. sudo fdisk -l to check usb stick device name /dev/sdx
  4. Make a bootable usb drive by running
  • dd if=xubuntu.iso of=/dev/sdx bs=1M status=progress
  1. booting from the usb stick and install

  2. Booting into recovery and disable Journal feature if you use a SDCard as your hard disk (important!)

  3. Adding noatime option to disk partitions to improve performance & save your disk's life

  4. Changing font size to 11

  5. Setting the touchpad: disable touchpad while typing

  6. Installing the following packages (use wired network)

    1. sudo apt install firmware-b43-installer curl git vim htop autojump ncdu fonts-inconsolata fonts-ricty-diminished fcitx fcitx-rime
    2. fc-cache -f -v # let new fonts available immediately for applications
    3. install tailscale
    4. install brave browser # the fastest browser on low memory laptop
    5. install neofetch
    6. install Rider Rider can run but it runs so slowly on this aged laptop.
    7. rustdesk


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