Posts in category “Essays”

Count That Day Lost

Count that day lost

If you sit down at set of sun,

And count the acts that you have done,

And counting, find                   

One self-denying deed, one word,

That eased the heart of him who heard,

One glance most kind,

That fell like sunshine where it went --

Then you may count that day well spent,

But if through all the livelong day,

You’ve cheered no heart, by yea or nay --

If, through it all

You’ve nothing done that you can trace,

That brought the sunshine to one face -- No act most small.

Then count that day as worse than lost.

an idea for Pak'n Save users to save fuel cost

PknSave fuel voucher is often wasted by their members because their tank is full before it expires automatically. So the idea is, we can share the fuel vouchers through a mobile app.

  1. If it is big enough, you print a voucher whatever you need or not.
  2. If you don't need to fuel your car, post this voucher on our app and set the amount with expire time.
  3. If you need fuel for your car but have not a voucher, open the app and try to find an unused one. When you decide to use it, you booked it so other people cannot use it anymore. If you eventually didn't use it, put it back into the voucher pool.

Sounds great? Let's do it. If you want to contribute to this side project, contact me with [email protected]








这意味着对那些不记录 unix 时间戳而只记录本地时间的系统,如果他们依赖时间排序(因为没有时间戳)的话,夜里2点-3点钟的记录会是紊乱的,因为这段时间会过两遍。显示上看起来没有问题的数据,其实是偏离真实顺序的。比如一篇文章的两个评论,明明是后面的评论回复前面的评论,即可能现回复的评论先显示,然后才显示被回复的评论这种“怪事”。当然了,如果用unix时间戳排序会有另一种问题,数据的顺序是正确的,但显示的本地时间却是紊乱的。可能出现显示一个人在 2:45 分发表了一篇评论,但另一个人却“使用了月光宝盒”回到 2:15 分回复 2:45 分评论的“怪事”。


We learn from history that we do not learn from history.

We learn from history that we do not learn from history.
