Posts tagged with “生活记录”


  • 2010-06-19 西胡林-火村 西枫队
  • 2009-08-29 黄安坨 - 百花山 坐隐队
  • 2006-06-23晚-06-25午 龙聚山庄-后河-泉水营地-古城河-三叉-泉水营地-龙聚山庄 领队
  • 2006-06-09晚-06-11晚 龙聚山庄-苏家河-五里坡-三叉河-苏家河-龙聚山庄 领队
  • 2005-08-12-08-14 后河-古城河-五里坡-三叉河-后河
  • 2005-07-24 刘家峪-黄草梁-柏峪 一日
  • 2005-07-17 箭扣一日
  • 2005-05-27-29 后河二日(拣垃圾) 领队
  • 20050521-22 黄安陀-百花山-百花草甸-百花林场两日 领队
  • 20050109 龙聚山庄-后河-三岔-龙庆峡 一日 领队
  • 20041106 水闸-绝石梁-圈门一日(九龙山)
  • 20040925 威海 戚家夼-石门-仙姑顶-望岛村 一日穿越 领队 1.0级
  • 20040922 威海 戚家夼-石门-通讯站-潍坊路 半日探路 领队1.0级
  • 20040912 威海 菊花顶-古陌岭-远遥村 半日穿越 领队 1.0级
  • 20040908 威海 菊花顶-古陌岭-远遥村 独行半日探路 1.0级
  • 20040815 马栏-老龙窝-煤窝一日探路 2.0组 领队
  • 20040731-0801 后龙庆峡一日一夜 领队 1.5级 领队
  • 20040725 香山邮局->快活林->香山水库->挂甲塔->打鹰洼->四棵树->植物园->香山停车场一日穿越 1.0级 领队
  • 20040718 西大庄科-小海坨-大海坨-大海陀村一日 2.0级 领队
  • 20040711 九龙山-绝石梁-峰口庵-王平村 1.5级 领队
  • 20040702-0704 蒸汽机游游队 北京-延庆-龙聚山庄-后河-玉渡山-次仲泉-大海陀(未登顶)-小海陀-松山-延庆-北京 2.5+级
  • 20040618-0620 摩西队 北京-龙聚山庄-后河-古城河-五里坡-古城河-三岔河-龙庆峡-三岔河-后河-龙聚山庄 负重后龙庆峡探路穿越 2.0级
  • 20040612-13 变色龙yuci队 黄安陀-百花山-百花山停车场两日 2.0级
  • 20040605晚-20040606 私下带队 北京-龙聚山庄-后河-古城河-三岔河-后河-龙聚山庄 负重后龙庆峡一日穿越 2.0级
  • 20040530 私下带队 北京-龙聚山庄-后河-古城河-三岔河-后河-龙聚山庄 后龙庆峡一日穿越 2.0级
  • 20040523 西枫队 圈门-峰口庵-龙潭 一日 1.0
  • 20040522 漂流队 柏峪-黄草梁-北灵山-灵山停车场一日 2.0级
  • 20040515-0516 咕咚队雨中密云小水峪-牛盆峪穿越(雨大林密,未完成,中途折返) 1.7级
  • 20040502-0503 泰安药乡国家森林公园
  • 20040501 自驾车北京-济南->泰安
  • 20040417 变色龙队玉皇庙-无名山1-无名山2..-无名山N-连理石-妙境林场-北港沟一日疯狂抱石穿棘探路 2.0级
  • 20040411 yuci队 玉皇庙-清水尖一日F·B探路(探路未完成) 1.0级
  • 20040404 小榄队 涧沟村-庙洼-阳台山-大风口-凤凰岭-飞来石-减肥路-天梯-神泉-龙泉寺 一日穿越 2.0级
  • 20040328 小榄队 柏峪-黄草梁-留言壁-实心楼-落叶谷-椴木沟-灵山停车场一日穿越 1.5级
  • 20040321 yuci变色龙队 柏峪-十里坪-腊子口-象鼻山 一日FB 1.2级
  • 20031002 航天桥-月陀岛自驾车一日游(非绿野)
  • 20020915 高崖口-妙峰山 一日穿越(非绿野)

My New 'Toy' - E-ink Screen E-reader BOYUE LikeBook S61

As a software developer, I spend my working hours glued to screens, and in my downtime, it's either scrolling through social media or reading e-books, all on screens big and small. Often, before it's even time for a break, my eyes are already dry and strained. I can't help but reminisce about my old Kindle from years ago, lost goodness knows where. I need to get myself an e-ink device solely for reading, and it must run on Android so I can use my beloved KOReader on the ink screen.

With a limited budget and primarily for reading, my expectations aren't high: the screen doesn't need to be large, the CPU doesn't need to be powerful, but it'd be nice to have ample storage for books.

A search on AliExpress caught my eye with this BOYUE e-reader.

BOYUE LikeBook S61, 6-inch, 4-core 1.6G CPU, 1GB RAM, 16GB Storage NZ$ 102.97, with shipping $4.25 plus 15% GST, totaling $122.42.

Surely, this is a clearance sale of old machines. Because the description stated that the system is Android 4.4, quite outdated. But optimistically, I thought, there should be third-party ROMs for flashing, so I placed the order. The logistics were quite efficient this time, and after only about a dozen days, I received it on March 1st. The system is not 4.4 but even older, 4.2.2. After searching online, I couldn't find a suitable ROM for flashing. So, in the days after receiving the device, I had to make do and find software online that still supports Android 4.2.2 and meets my needs. This process wasn't smooth, and at one point, I even considered giving up and returning it. However, after the initial setbacks, things started to go more smoothly.

After some tinkering, using this device has become quite comfortable, dare I say, even enjoyable!

I'll spare you the details of the hardships endured during repeated attempts. Today's main purpose is to share my findings. If it helps any fellow buyer of this brand-new old machine, then I couldn't be happier.

  • Main reading program: koreader-v2023-06-1.apk
  • Launcher:
  • SSH server: SimpleSSHD-27.apk
  • Browser: com.UCMobile.intl_11.4.apk
  • File Manager es-file-explorer-4-2.apkrelaunchx_200106000.apk
  • Mastodon client: tusky.apk

I'll find some time to bundle these APKs and throw them onto a rickety VPS for everyone to download. After all, finding these installation packages took quite a bit of my time.

2024-03-24 Update I've revised this list, packaged these APK files, and written a brief explanation. The download link is also in this explanation, so feel free to download if needed. Link to the explanation

我的新“玩具” - 电子墨水屏阅读器 BOYUE LikeBook S61 (Chinese Version)

身为软件开发者,我工作时盯着屏幕,工作之余除了刷社交媒体就是看电子书,还是大大小小的屏幕。往往不等到休息时间,眼睛就干涩得不行。我不禁怀念起我那台多年前就不知道丢到哪里的老Kindle。还是要整一台e-ink 设备专门读书,而且一定得是安卓系统,这样我就能在墨水屏上用我最爱的 KOReader阅读器读书了。


AliExpress 上一通搜索,这台BOYUE 阅读器吸引住我的眼球。

BOYUE LikeBook S61 6 inch 4核1.6G CPU 1G RAM 16G Storage NZ$ 102.97 运费 $4.25 再加上 15% 的GST,到手价才 $122.42。

这定然是老机器清仓甩卖。因为描述里写系统是Android 4.4,相当老了。但乐观的我想,应该总能找到第三方ROM刷机吧,于是乎就下单了。这次物流蛮给力,只等了十几天,我3月1日就收到货了。系统不是 4.4, 而是更老的 4.2.2。网上一通搜索,并没有找到合适的ROM刷机。于是乎拿到机器这几天,我只能因陋就简,在网上找能满足我需要的尚支持 Android 4.2.2 版本的软件。这个过程并不顺利,我甚至一度考虑别折腾了,要不干脆退货算了。然而在最初的挫折之后,后面却是越来越顺利。


中间反复尝试的艰辛略去不提,今天这篇主要是分享一下我的成果, 如果能帮到也买了这台全新的老机器的网友,那我就再开心不过了。

  • 主阅读程序 koreader-v2023-06-1.apk
  • Launcher
  • SSH server, SimpleSSHD-27.apk
  • Browser, com.UCMobile.intl_11.4.apk
  • File Manager es-file-explorer-4-2.apkrelaunchx_200106000.apk
  • Mastodon client tusky.apk


2024-03-24 Update 我修订了这个列表打包了这些apk文件,并写了一个简要的说明, 下载链接也在这个说明里,欢迎需要的朋友下载。