Posts in category “Linux”

ubuntu 20.04 upgrade axel to 2.17.9

try to download something but axel said "SSL error: (null)", so

tar xvfz axel-2.17.9.tar.gz 
cd axel-2.17.9
sudo apt install pkg-config -y
./configure && make && sudo make install
sudo apt remove axel
cd ..
rm -rf axel-2.17.9

解决CentOS 虚拟机从VMWare station 迁移到VirtualBox 不能启动问题

最近把一台CentOS7 虚拟机从Windows 10 的VMWare 迁移到 CentOS8 的VirtualBox上,结果不能启动,说找不到 root 和 swap。我猜测与 Host机器CPU架构不同有关,老机器是Intel芯片,新机器是 AMD CPU。 解决方法也蛮简单,进Rescue模式, yum update 就会自动装上一个新鲜的符合条件的内核。然后再重新启动就好了。 Reference

如此搞一下之后,启动倒是启动起来了,但启动时总有一个出错信息“error failed to send host log ”,虽然不影响使用,但看着很不爽。万能的Google很快给出了答案,把显卡换成 VBoxVGA 就好了。Reference

Ubuntu 22.04 fcitx-rime/ibus-rime wubin_pinyin 配置简入繁出

为啥用 fcitx 不用ibus呢.... 一开始我确实是用的ibus,但它老人家在 google doc 的网页里不显示候选文字框,等修复不知道要等到啥时候,我就扭头换 fcitx 了。

ibus-rime, fcitx-rime 已经内置这个功能,但它的默认配置里没有使用这个功能。废话不说,贴上我的配置文件

~/.config/fcitx 或 ibus/rime/default.custom.yaml 内容如下

  display_tray_icon: true
  horizental: false
  font_point: 14
    - schema: wubi_pinyin
    - schema: pinyin_simp
  Shift_R: commit_code
  Shift_L: commit_code

~/.config/fcitx 或 ibus/rime/wubi_pinyin.custom.yaml 内容如下:

    - name: ascii_mode
      reset: 0
      states: [ "中文", "西文" ]
    - name: full_shape
      states: [ "半角", "全角" ]
    - name: simplification
      states: [ "汉字", "漢字" ]

  simplifier/opencc_config: s2t.json
    - simplifier
    - uniquifier

How to let Supervisord wait 1 second before restarting my program?

It spent more than half an hour. Finally, I found this solution.... very simple!

/usr/local/bin/noip2 -c /usr/local/etc/no-ip2.conf
sleep 1

noip sucks!


Database structure backup & Data dictionary automatically generation

Two bash script achieved the goals in this subject.

1. Exporting data dictionary

cat utils/exportDbDictionary 
if [ $# != 2 ] ; then
    echo "USAGE: $0 dbname tablename"
    echo " e.g.: $0 IDServer AspNetUsers"
    exit 1;


[ -d $document_path/$1 ] || mkdir -p $document_path/$1
mysqlshow $1 $2 | sed 's/+/|/g' | sed '1,2d' | sed '$d' | awk -F"[|]" '{print $2"|"$3"|"$5"|"$6"|"$7"|"$10}' | sed 's/ *$//g' > $document_path/$1/$

People should always add comments to their field definitions. As soon as the definition of a table has been done, run this script could automatically generate a markdown table with the name of

2. export database structure without auto_incrment= statements

cat utils/backupDbStructure 
mysqldump -d --databases YourDB1 YourDB2 YourDB3 | sed 's/ AUTO_INCREMENT=[0-9]*//g' > $backupFile

When you made some changes to your database, run backupDbStruture script will automatically generate the latest table structure into one file. You could commit it later with your code change together.