Posts in category “Linux”

PopOS/Ubuntu fcitx-rime setup

By my recommendation, my new workmate He (贺) moved to Ubuntu from windows, and he was annoyed of one thing: cannot input Chinese. And I have to google again to find out the answer. This is why I wrote this list for him like people and myself.

sudo apt install fcitx fcitx-rime
im-config  # and select fcitx as the input engine
fcitx-configtool # > Add input method, remember to tick off `Only Show Current Language`

A simple nfs server on centos

At the server end

choose a server as the nfs-server, do things below in root role

dnf -y install nfs-utils
mkdir /mnt/nfs-share
chown -R nobody /mnt/nfs-share/

vim /etc/exports
add a line
save and exit

systemctl enable nfs-server
systemctl start nfs-server

At the client end

dnf -y install nfs-utils
mkdir /mnt/nfs-local
chown -R nobody /mnt/nfs-local/

vim /etc/hosts
add a line, replace to the IP addr of your NFS server

vim /etc/fstab
add a line
nfs-server:/mnt/nfs-share  /mnt/nfs-local   nfs defaults   0 0
save and exit
mount -a # to confirm what you have done is right

other utils:

You could use showmount -e to get a share list from the nfs server.

flameshot: a better screenshot tool with editing support for ubuntu

How to install certbot on CentOS8

The biggest problem you faced is actually the following one

and the article above answers the question very well.

certbot certos

Note: recover from accidentally changed the ownership of `sudo` command


This morning, I change to the /backup directory and found I cannot write in it. So I rapidly typed sudo chown -R david:david .. then press Enter. You know what happened! All the files in / directory were changing the owner to me! I realized this by seeing an error message like "You cannot change the owner of xxx file to david".

Damn, how silly I was! Unfortunately, that was not the end of my bad luck. When I try to revert it by typing sudo chown -R root:root /, I got another error message: /usr/bin/sudo must be owned by uid 0 and have the setuid bit set. Then I tried su - root but it seems that I haven't set a root password.

How can I recover my pop! OS?

  1. reboot it into single-user mode, edit the boot menu, add at the end of the boot line.
  2. In the boot console, chown -R root:root /usr; chmod 4755 /usr/bin/{sudo,dpkg,pkexec,crontab}; reboot

Rather easy, right? It did cost me over 10mins! PS. I met many issues later after recovering from the accident. One of them is that the crontab command did not work as usual. I have to run the instruction below to fix it.

sudo apt reinstall cron

Linux is also fragile, please don't be such silly thing next time. I told myself. PS: This time I also set a root password as well, so next time I could run su - root directly instead of going to the single user mode.