Posts in category “Networking”

clean up docker networks/interfaces

docker network ls
docker network rm networkname

一个想法:利用 TailScale 拯救被墙 ip

昨天才注意到我的 racknerd vps被墙了。换一个IP要 $3,虽然不贵,但racknerd并不能保证新IP是没有被墙的。 网上东搜西搜,有人建议用 cloudflare CDN 挽救,但这样只能解决一个端口(即443),无法享受到 kcptun 加速的快乐。

还有其他的法子吗?我想到了Tailscale。如果你身在墙内,由于VPS IP已经被墙,你无法直接连接。但你可以用 azure cloud terminal 或者其他云服务商提供的 cloud terminal,因为他们的云Shell到你的vps通常都是通的。


  1. vps端安装 tailscale
  2. 为方便记忆,解析 vps tailscale IP到一个域名(可选)。如果你没有个人域名,有个免费的解决方案是去 申请一个终身免费的二级域名。(申请后要等几天才能收到回信)
  3. 你的墙内设备或者路由器上(openwrt)安装 tailscale,使用同一个账号,这样墙内设备与墙外设备就处于同一个内网
  4. 连接 vps 的tailscale IP或者指向tailscale IP的域名,实现翻墙


Set up DN8245X6-10 as a secondary WIFI router

I recently signed a new broadband contract with One NZ and received a HUAWEI DN8245X6-10 wifi router. This new router offers WIFI6 connection, which is faster than the Vodafone UltraHub. Unfortunately, I was unable to get port forwarding to work on this router, which was quite frustrating. Even One NZ's customer support couldn't assist me, as they admitted to not having training on port forwarding support. However, they did provide me with some useful information - One NZ doesn't block any ports, and the old Vodafone Ultrahub can also support the cable modem. This gave me some hope. I decided to use the Vodafone Ultrahub as the main router and DN8245 as a secondary WIFI router. After spending a few hours on it this afternoon, I finally made it work. Here are the key steps.

  1. Connect the Ultrahub's WAN port to the cable modem. I didn't change any settings; it simply works. I was happy to find that the port map settings work with this new HFC broadband as well!

  2. Connect the DN8245X6-10's WAN port to one of the LAN ports of the Ultrahub.

  3. Go to and log in to the router using "admin" as the username and the password printed on the router. Login

  4. Go to Advanced => Wan.

    • Remove all three existing WAN interfaces.
    • Create a new one with the following settings. new wan
    • Apply.
  5. Go to Route => IPV4 default route. (I spent at two hours before I found this step is critical)

    • Enable default route.
    • Set the new WAN interface you just created as the default route.set default route
    • Apply

And, that's all! BTW, don't waste your time to try to set a bridge wan. It simply doesn't work:cannot get an IP from master router for unknown reason.

Vodafone ultrahub pihole local DNS setup

The key is to tick off the DNS Proxy switch, otherwise, DNS clients won't obtain the local DNS value as their DNS.

「新路由3 (new wifi3) D2 全千兆路由器华硕老毛子openwrt潘多拉高恪集客」配置ss+kcptun加速全自动翻墙备忘



  • shadowsocks-libev-local
  • kcptun-client


  1. 需要下载的软件只有这俩,一开始没有下载 shadowsocks-libev-local而是尝试用机器里已经下载好的 shadowsocksR-local 代替,未成功(并不一定是ssR的锅....
  2. 下载了kcptun,也配置了使用 kcptun,但kcptun服务一直不启动的原因是kcptun客户端的程序名字与系统中设置的不一致。安装好的客户端名字叫 kcptun-c 但默认配置的名字不是这个,务必要到「自动更新」那一页改一下配置
  3. 「全局配置」页配置:
  • TCP节点:SS+Kcptun: 节点名
  • UDP节眯:与TCP节点相同
  • Socks5节点:与TCP节点相同
  • DNS服务器(UDP): 默认
  • DNS模式: DNS2SOCKS + 使用Socks5节点解析
  • DNS地址: (Google DNS)
  • DNS劫持: 选中
  • 默认代理模式: GFW列表 (重要...尤其远程调试的时候,别瞎选全局...配不好的情况下一开代理,网会断,波及远程桌面!
  • 本机代理模式: GFW列表
  1. 「节点页」配置:
  • 服务器:
  • 使用ipv6: 不选中
  • 端口: kcptun 客户端打算用的端口
  • 加密方式: ss服务器用到的加密方式
  • 连接超时: 300 (默认值不用改
  • tcp快速打开: false (默认值不用改
  • 插件: 无
  • 使用kcptun: checkbox要勾中(废话
  • kcptun服务器: 你的kcptun服务器IP或域名
  • 使用ipv6: 不选中
  • kcptun参数配置: 把kcptun服务器配置的那堆参数照抄过来(只要端口参数之外的参数,一定要拿掉 -r -l 这两参数哦!
