旧文备份: 2004-04-04 小榄队之涧沟村->庙洼->阳台山->大风口->凤凰岭 一日穿越杂记

原文发表于 2004-4-5 21:55

4.4晚约11点半,俺拖着疲惫的双腿完成首师大东门至南门的穿越, 终于回到家了。



Obsidian + GitHub private Repo solution on All platforms

I have heard that Obsidian is a powerful note-taking application that can serve as "your second brain." However, when I tried it previously, I did not find its user experience to be satisfactory. Nevertheless, I decided to give it another try. Although this solution is free, it spent me at least a few hours before I get it. TLDR; here's the steps:

  1. Create a private repository obsidian_notes on github.com to store your notes.

  2. Create a classic personal access token on github.com for the obsidian git plugin as it dosn't support the git protocol on Mobile devices.

  3. Install Obsidian and Obsidian Git plugin on every platform you want to use

  4. Install iSH application on your iPhone/iPad, and run the following command in the iSH shell

    1. apk add git
    2. adduser -h /home/david david (Surely you can choose your preferred name)
    3. su - david
    4. git clone https://github.com/yourUserName/yourNotesRepo.git (you will need the personal access token at this step)
  5. Open the Obsidian app on your iPhone/iPad, create a new Vault with any name. (no worries, we will remove it shortly)

  6. Open the Files app and find yourNotesRepo directory, copy it to the clipboard,

    1. Find your Obsidian directory which holds your newly created vault and paste yourNotesRepo directory here
    2. Remove the newly created vault directory

Yes. That's it. If you meet any problems when you follow my steps, feel free to leave a comment here, or contact me at https://t.me/shukebeta


最早于 2004-3-30 21:49 发表于我的绿野驴志

今天和一个朋友聊起我在学编程的事儿。“你都三十多了,学什么编程啊!” 汗! 卖了十年计算机,没有半点儿成绩。还好意思和朋友说什么“怎么说是干自己喜欢的事儿“。

随着挣钱能力的降低,我也开始爱说什么“挣太多钱也没啥意思,够花就好....”,可钱有够花的么?呵呵 说着说着就跑题了。


就写到这儿了,如果有愿意和俺做链接的,说一声! 俺这人就好交朋友!

04-Mar-2023 Update


作者 周令瑜


2013-03-13 17:55:10

2013-03-13 17:55:37

2013-03-14 05:56:16

2013-03-14 06:05:11



2013-01-10 15:09 我想大家都遭遇过各种手机App闪退的情况…… 我想不通的是,是现在的程序都流行不处理异常么?抽时间俺实践下。:)

2013-01-10 11:07 分享微博 //@firstduty:真正的职场高手,给人的第一印象绝不是“谁的人”,而是“踏实肯干”,这种人不管哪个老总都喜欢,也都需要。

2013-01-10 09:10 分享:天文望远镜最全的总结攻略!|星空之夜…全文03 附链接 http://user.qzone.qq.com/731783630/blog/1298878399#!app=2&via=QZ.HashRefresh&pos=1298878399

2013-01-08 12:49 Hello, fcitx。 再见,ibus。

2013-01-08 10:40 淡定是一种境界。

2013-01-08 09:18 真心觉得苹果把鼠标滚轮默认设成和人们的习惯相反脑残。肯定有个地方能把这个设置改回来。

2013-01-08 00:02 分享微博 //@shukebeta:转贴:他86岁重新选经济学的时候,他并不知道自己将来有一天在经济学上的成就比之前86年的成就还要大。他不可能知道这件事情的,他只是好奇,想学就学了,之后他做出了这样一个成绩, ... 全文03附链接 https://www.xnw.com/blog/156987
