If the field names in your Model class are not exactly the same as in a JSON string, you will need adding an option to guarantee the behavior is what you want. For example, if you have got the following response text:
and you have a Model class below:
class SampleModel
public string Hello { get; set; };
You can see the property name in your Model class is "Hello" instead of "hello", the following code won't get an expecting result.
SampleModel s = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<SampleModel>("{\"hello\":\"world\"}");
you will get an object like
"Hello": null
You have to use an option below to get it to work.
SampleModel s = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<SampleModel>("{\"hello\":\"world\"}", new JsonSerializerOptions
PropertyNameCaseInsensitive = true,
on the other hand, you have to use the following code to guarantee the serialize behavior:
SampleModel s = JsonSerializer.Serialize(new SampleModel() {Hello="world"}, new JsonSerializerOptions
DictionaryKeyPolicy = JsonNamingPolicy.CamelCase
Thus you get {"Hello":"world"}
instead of {"hello":"world"}
System.text.json sucks.
I watched this film with Eric today evening. Gladly, he loves this film.
Setting timezone for Linux system
sudo timedatectl set-timezone Asia/Shanghai
Setting timezone for MySQL
add the line below to [mysqld] section in /etc/my.cnf
default=time-zone = "+8:00"
$ sudo vim /etc/sysctl.conf
add the line below to the end of this file:
vm.swappiness = 10
save and exit. Execute
$ sudo sysctl -p
vm.swappiness = 10
means that the Linux system will only start using swap space when your available physical memory is less than 10%.
今天天气不错,和太太儿子去 Bowenvale Walking Tracks 走了一个短途的hiking。回家路上前端同学报告说测试机出问题了,所有接口都不通了。于是到家赶紧排查问题。
Host:Windows 10,Vmware Station
Guest: CentOS 7.7 Bridge network
一开始以为是服务进程崩了。连上vpn发现机器都ping不通。哦看来虚拟机是被谁关掉了。远程桌面到Host机器一看....虚拟机活得好好的,并没有被关掉。用控制台登录进去一看,发现IP不是我们以前设定的IP,而是变成 172.18.开头的一个地址,这是我们误以为网络不通了的原因。
CentOS机器的网络配置是 DHCP,因为网络是桥接的,因此只需要路由器上做点设置,根据CentOS机器网卡的Mac地址总是分配 这个IP给虚拟机就行了。我查看了路由器的设置,发现确实是这么设置的,虚拟机网卡的mac地址也没有变,看上去一切都很正常。不过这里有一个小小的细节,一开始我没有在意,但它可能是问题发生的始作俑者。
我先是修改CentOS的网络设置,把网络参数由 dhcp 改成 static,确保他总是使用 这个IP,也设置了默认路由,重启网络,发现修改生效了,IP地址现在是正确的了,但是却不能上网,内外不通。
那问题出在哪里呢?之前拿到的IP是172.18.x.x,这不是 Docker 喜欢用的IP段么?莫非和Docker 有关?我先是把 CentOS 虚拟机里的Docker 停掉....重启网络,依然固我。网还是不通。
我只好把关注点移到 Host 机器,硬件网卡,VMnet1, VMnet8, vEthernet (Default Switch)..... 慢,这个vEthernet 是什么鬼? 它的IP也是172.18.x.x的!网上搜索了一下,说这个东东应该是Docker添加的。对呀,我前几天刚好干过这个事情,在Windows 10 上安装了Docker,那时我是试图解决 Jenkins 不听话的问题。但因为这台Windows 10 主要是兄弟部门在用,怕Docker影响他们的业务,我的经理就赶紧把Docker卸掉了。
Docker都卸掉了,卸掉这个虚拟网络示配器料无大碍,于是我就尝试 uninstall it。系统提示发生了什么未知的错误,不让卸载。那就禁用它吧。禁用成功。再ping那个IP,网通了!
回头想想,CentOS机器的IP并非无缘无故就变了,我猜测应该是路由器自动升级,在那个短暂离线期间,CentOS的网络被我刚刚禁用的那个虚拟switch抢先接管了。本来应该由路由器固定分配 给那台机器,但路由器短暂弃权期间,这个过程被那个虚拟的switch示配器干扰,于是CentOS得到一个 172.18 开头的IP。