x-www-form-urlencoded vs JSON, which one is better?
This old blog has given a strong answer.
This old blog has given a strong answer.
I haven't used my old MBP 13 for nearly a month. This evening I picked it up and opened the iTerm2 then connected to my home server through ssh. I noticed I get a white-black colored terminal. What's wrong? I remembered it was colorful when I logged into this machine last time using iTerm2 on my MBP 15.
Firstly, I checked the version of iTerm2, it was a bit old, so I updated it first. Unfortunately, it doesn't help. I noticed I was using bash instead of zsh on this machine. So I ran chsh and changed the shell from bash to ssh. It also doesn't help. Then I find this answer from stackoverflow.com. A comment in this answer reminded me: I should check and compare the terminal configuration in iTerm2. So I found the secret!
Command + ,
open the preference, then click the profiles
tab, then change the Report terminal type
from xterm
to xterm-256
color, that's it!
I didn't forget I haven't set up a backup system for this blog site. So I got it done today.
Two things need to backup, they are
directory that contains the pictures, files you've uploaded to this siteSince local backup is not safe, finally I chose the Yandex.Disk as my cloud storage. Just register an account in 5 minutes and you will get 10G cloud storage with Linux friendly sync feature. Yandex.Disk also supports symbol links, that's quite good.
run crontab -e
and fill in below lines, the setting was done!
15 3 * * * mysqldump --databases blog | gzip > /home/zhongwei/Yandex.Disk/backups/mysql/blog_`date '+\%Y\%m\%d-\%H\%M\%S'`.sql.gz
20 3 * * * find /home/zhongwei/Yandex.Disk/backups/mysql/blog* -mtime +30 -exec rm {} \;
As the uploads folder for my blog, what you need to do is creating a symbol link to the Yandex.Disk folder:
ln -s /www/blog/uploads /home/zhongwei/Yandex.Disk/backups/blog_uploads
This blog is inspired by source
with Eric yesterday evening. This is the second time I watched it. A moving film about two lovely robots.