
惠勒延迟选择实验(Wheeler's Delayed Choice Experiment)是一个量子力学的思想实验,旨在探讨测量对量子系统的影响,尤其是在我们“选择”测量的时刻与量子系统的历史之间的关系。这个实验的结果挑战了我们对因果关系和时间的传统理解,尤其是在量子层面上。


首先,了解双缝实验(Double-Slit Experiment)是理解惠勒实验的基础。在经典的双缝实验中,单个粒子(如光子或电子)通过两个狭缝并在屏幕上形成干涉图样。这显示粒子似乎像波一样通过了两条路径。但如果我们在狭缝处放置探测器来测量粒子通过哪一个狭缝,干涉图样会消失,粒子表现得像个经典粒子,只通过了一条路径。




  1. 光子或粒子先通过双缝,接着才进入实验者是否测量的选择区域。
  2. 如果我们选择不测量路径信息,光子将像波一样表现,形成干涉图样。
  3. 如果我们选择测量路径信息,光子则表现为粒子,干涉图样消失。






  1. 量子叠加态:在没有测量之前,粒子处于一种叠加态,既是波也是粒子,既通过了两条路径,也只通过了一条路径。测量行为使叠加态“坍缩”到一个确定的状态。
  2. 因果关系:在经典物理学中,因果关系是线性的,即因在前,果在后。但在量子力学中,因果关系不像我们习惯理解的那样简单,测量的时间顺序并不能简单地被理解为影响事件发生的唯一因素。
  3. 非局域性:量子力学的非局域性(或称“量子纠缠”)意味着,量子系统的不同部分之间有某种超越时空限制的联系。这种联系可能是我们传统因果逻辑之外的。





My telegram channels: welcome to subscribe

The following are my Telegram channels/public groups, feel free to subscribe them.

[Solution] The argument type 'Consumer' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'PreferredSizeWidget?'.

The error occurs because AppBar expects a widget that implements the PreferredSizeWidget interface, but Consumer<NoteModel> does not directly implement this interface. To solve this, you need to return an AppBar from within the Consumer builder method.

Here’s how you can do it:

  appBar: PreferredSize(
    preferredSize: Size.fromHeight(kToolbarHeight),
    child: Consumer<NoteModel>(
      builder: (context, noteModel, child) {
        return AppBar(
          title: Text(
            'Your Title',
            style: TextStyle(
              color: noteModel.isPrivate ? Colors.red : Colors.green,
  body: // Your other widgets,

In this approach, I wrapped the Consumer<NoteModel> inside a PreferredSize widget to ensure it adheres to the PreferredSizeWidget interface required by appBar.

This should resolve the error while allowing you to update only the AppBar based on changes in your NoteModel.

Glory to ChatGPT!

Build command for deploying your flutter web app to cloudflare pages

set -x && if cd flutter; then git pull && cd .. ; else git clone https://github.com/flutter/flutter.git; (cd flutter && git fetch --tags && git checkout 3.22.3); fi && ls && flutter/bin/flutter doctor && flutter/bin/flutter clean && flutter/bin/flutter config --enable-web && cp .env.production .env && sed -i "s/VERSION_PLACEHOLDER/`git rev-parse --short HEAD`/" .env && flutter/bin/flutter build web --web-renderer html --base-href="/" --release

C# Linq:FirstOrDefault vs SingleOrDefault

In C#, both FirstOrDefault and SingleOrDefault are LINQ methods that operate on collections, but they serve different purposes:


  • Purpose: Returns the first element in a collection that satisfies a specified condition, or the default value for the type if no such element is found.

  • Behavior:

    • If the collection contains multiple elements that satisfy the condition, it returns the first one.
    • If no elements satisfy the condition, it returns the default value (null for reference types, 0 for numeric types, etc.).
  • Use Case: When you're interested in getting the first match or a default value if none exist, and you don't care if there are multiple matches.


  • Purpose: Returns the single element in a collection that satisfies a specified condition, or the default value for the type if no such element is found.

  • Behavior:

    • If the collection contains exactly one element that satisfies the condition, it returns that element.
    • If no elements satisfy the condition, it returns the default value.
    • If more than one element satisfies the condition, it throws an InvalidOperationException because the expectation is that there should be exactly one match.
  • Use Case: When you're expecting either one or zero matches, and multiple matches would indicate an error in your data or logic.


  • FirstOrDefault: Use when you want the first matching element or a default value, and multiple matches are acceptable.
  • SingleOrDefault: Use when you expect exactly one matching element or a default value, and multiple matches are an error.