Posts tagged with “apk”

Applications I am using on LikeBook S61's android 4.2 system

Although the Android 4.2.2 system that comes with the S61 is outdated, KOReader still runs very well on it (remember to turn off the full-screen switch). The following list is the result of many nights spent searching and trying various versions before finally deciding to keep them. Even if it can be useful to a friend, I am very pleased.

APK File Description Duokan Reader, just installed it out of habit as a backup reader. Personally, I find its reformatting of scanned PDFs to be better than KOReader's.
com.gacode.relaunchx_200106000.apk A file manager friendly to e-ink screens.
com.UCMobile.intl_11.4.0.982-10384_minAPI14_apkmirror.apk UC Browser, better than the stock browser, allows easy page scrolling when browsing web pages.
english-dictionary-offline-4-2.apk A classic offline dictionary.
GoldenDict-1.6.7-Android-4.1+-free.apk A domestic dictionary that supports Stardict format, so you can use the dictionaries you have for KOReader directly with it. Why the need for a separate dictionary program? Because the OCR part of KOReader for Android 4.2.2 has a bug and can't OCR before looking up words. When encountering unfamiliar words while reading scanned PDFs, having an independent dictionary to look them up means you don't have to reach for your phone again.
koreader-v2023-06-1.apk The main reading program, I use it for reading every day. Replaces the stock launcher.
SimpleSSHD-27.apk A small SSH server, convenient for syncing ebooks with the rsync program.
tusky.apk The only Mastodon client version I found that still works for Android 4.2, needs to be used with a account.

For ease of downloading, I have compressed the above APK files into a zip package, feel free to download if needed.

中文版 (Chinese version)

虽然S61自带的 android 4.2.2 系统已经老态龙钟,然而 KOReader在上面跑得还是非常好(记着关掉 full screen开关)。以下清单是我花了不少个夜晚寻找尝试各种版本之后最后决定留用的结果,哪怕能对一个朋友有用,我也很欣慰了。

  • 多看阅读,只是出于以前的习惯装了它做为备用的阅读器。我个人觉得它的扫描版pdf重排比koreader的要好用。
  • com.gacode.relaunchx_200106000.apk 一个对 e ink 屏友好的文件管理器
  • com.UCMobile.intl_11.4.0.982-10384_minAPI14(armeabi-v7a)(nodpi) UC 浏览器,比自带的那个好用,在浏览器网页时可以方便的上下翻页
  • english-dictionary-offline-4-2.apk 一个经典的离线词典
  • GoldenDict-1.6.7-Android-4.1+-free.apk 一个国产词典,支持 stardict 格式,所以你用于 koreader的词典,能直接另拷贝一份给它用。为什么需要单独的词典程序?因为支持android 4.2.2 的koreader程序ocr那部分有bug,没法先ocr再取词。在读扫描版pdf时遇到的生词,有个独立的词典查词,就不用再去摸手机了。
  • koreader-v2023-06-1.apk 主阅读程序,日常都用它看书
  • 代替自带的launcher
  • SimpleSSHD-27.apk 一个小巧的ssh server,方便我用 rsync 程序同步ebook
  • tusky.apk 我找到的唯一尚可用于android 4.2的mastodon 客户端版本,需要配合 账号服用。


A reliable/fast way to know an APK file's api level

I googled quite a while and found the following way is the best:

If you have Android Studio installed, using the "Build > Analyze APK" menu command is indeed a convenient way to quickly determine the supported API level of an APK file. Here are the steps:

Open Android Studio.

Go to "Build" in the top menu.

Choose "Analyse APK..."

Navigate to and select the APK file you want to analyze.

Android Studio will display information about the APK, including the minimum and target API levels.

Surely if you don't have Android Studio installed, then this way cannot help.