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Samples for setting the urls and environment for a .net core application


ASPNETCORE_URLS="http://*:9143" ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT="Development" dotnet Yourproject.dll
ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT="Development" dotnet run --urls "http://*:9143" --no-launch-profile

for Windows command line (cmd.exe)

setx ASPNETCORE_URLS "http://localhost:5001"
dotnet Yourproject.dll

for Windows powershell

$Env: ASPNETCORE_URLS "http://localhost:5001"
dotnet Yourproject.dll


Using dconf-editor to setup extra hot keys for the Gnome 3 desktop

The keyboard shortcuts setting in the Settings app can only support 4 workspaces. However, I want to use 8 workspaces to implement the goal of "everything in its right place". Solution:

sudo apt install dconf-editor

# Then you can do what you want to do there


By the way, my final configuration is shown below:

Ctrl + 1-8 Switch to workspace 1-8
Ctrl+Alt+1-8 Move current window to workspace 1-8 and jump to that workspace

  • Workspace 1: Chrome
  • Workspace 2: Gnome-terminal
  • Workspace 3: Rider
  • Workspace 4: WebStorm
  • Workspace 5: Ebook reader (Evince and others)
  • Workspace 6: File Manager, BitTorrent downloader,
  • Workspace 7: VMs
  • Workspace 8: Settings, Telegram, music player, misc.

Jenkins 三言两语(二)

  1. Jenkins 虽然通过ssh访问一个node来执行build或者 deploy任务,而且它也确实执行了远程机器的.bashrc 脚本,但它却刻意的抹掉了PATH 环境变量。所以在你要运行的bash脚本里再 source 一遍 /etc/profile 就有了必要。
  2. Jenkins自己的环境变量,可以在脚本里直接用,但从bash里来的环境变量,如 $?,就得用反斜线转义 \$ 符号。
  3. .bashrc 别 echo 东西,否则 Jenkins 会拒绝干活。(应该弄一台专门的机器只跑 Jenkins)

PS: 上面第2条其实描述不准确,后面踩的坑证明,如果用 sh 命令里有环境变量,老老实实用单引号,如果非用双引号,你反而要用\$转义。切记!Jenkins环境不是bash环境。不论是否 Jenkins里定义的环境变量,如果要在bash脚本里用,就老老实实用单引号。

Linux TIPS collect (神奇的知识集合)

  1. http_proxy environment in sudo command: http_proxy=xxx:xxx sudo yourcommand doesn't work, you should sudo http_proxy=xxx:yyy yourcommand instead.
  2. ssh running local script: ssh username@hostname 'bash -s' <
  3. ssh running local script with paraemters: ssh username@hostname < 'bash -s' yourparam1 yourparam2 doesn't work, you should runssh username@hostname < 'bash -s' -- yourparam1 yourparam2
  4. make your fonts configuration work without a reboot: sudo fc-cache -fv

Can't boot VMs after host kernel upgrade (CentOS8)

I followed this article to upgrade the kernel of one of our Linux server runs CentOS8. According to that article, upgrade the kernel of a CentOS system is rather simple, you just need to run the following command as root:

rpm --import
dnf -y install
dnf -y --enablerepo=elrepo-kernel install kernel-ml

Everything goes fine before I try to boot up one of the VM in Virtualbox 6.

Boot failure, "The system is currently not set up to build kernel modules, please install the Linux kernel header files matching the current kernel.", it says.

Obviously, we need the correct header file, after digging a while on Google, I didn't get an answer. Then I review the steps I have done to upgrade the kernel. Oh, I got the solution below:

dnf -y --enablerepo=elrepo-kernel install kernel-ml-devel
/sbin/rcvboxdrv setup

Problem resolved.