Posts tagged with “github”

[GitHub] Viewing all of your issues and pull requests

GitHub: [support question] How to find all my comments #58062

Conquering GitHub with Your Keyboard: The Power of "gh"

Tired of that browser tab switcheroo just to manage your GitHub tasks? Enter "gh", the command-line superhero that streamlines your workflow.

Why "gh" Rocks

For us command-line ninjas, "gh" is a game-changer. Ditch the endless tab dance! Create a pull request, find yours, it's all right there in your terminal.

Gettin' Started with "gh"

Installation's a breeze, no matter your OS:

  • Windows: Chocolatey to the rescue! Run choco install gh in your command prompt.
  • Linux: Package manager to the rescue! For Ubuntu/Debian, use sudo apt install gh.
  • macOS: Homebrew's your friend. Just run brew install gh in your terminal.

"gh" Setup: Simple as Can Be

Windows users might need to add gh.exe to their PATH for easy access, but Linux and macOS users can just dive right in. No extra setup, just pure productivity.

Exploring "gh"'s Awesomeness

Ready to unleash the power? Here's a taste:

  • See Your Pull Requests: gh pr view keeps you in the loop, no browser needed.
  • Create Pull Requests in a Flash: gh pr create gets things rolling directly from your terminal.

These are just a peek – "gh" has tons more to offer. Explore the docs and discover features that fit your workflow perfectly.

The Verdict

In our time-crunched world, tools like "gh" are golden. By harnessing the command line, you can streamline your GitHub tasks and focus on the real prize: killer code. Give "gh" a try and see how it transforms your development game!

Obsidian + GitHub private Repo solution on All platforms

I have heard that Obsidian is a powerful note-taking application that can serve as "your second brain." However, when I tried it previously, I did not find its user experience to be satisfactory. Nevertheless, I decided to give it another try. Although this solution is free, it spent me at least a few hours before I get it. TLDR; here's the steps:

  1. Create a private repository obsidian_notes on to store your notes.

  2. Create a classic personal access token on for the obsidian git plugin as it dosn't support the git protocol on Mobile devices.

  3. Install Obsidian and Obsidian Git plugin on every platform you want to use

  4. Install iSH application on your iPhone/iPad, and run the following command in the iSH shell

    1. apk add git
    2. adduser -h /home/david david (Surely you can choose your preferred name)
    3. su - david
    4. git clone (you will need the personal access token at this step)
  5. Open the Obsidian app on your iPhone/iPad, create a new Vault with any name. (no worries, we will remove it shortly)

  6. Open the Files app and find yourNotesRepo directory, copy it to the clipboard,

    1. Find your Obsidian directory which holds your newly created vault and paste yourNotesRepo directory here
    2. Remove the newly created vault directory

Yes. That's it. If you meet any problems when you follow my steps, feel free to leave a comment here, or contact me at