There are 3 options, you probably want #3
This will keep the local file for you, but will delete it for anyone else when they pull.
git rm cached or git rm -r cached
This is for optimization, like a folder with a large number of files, e.g. SDKs that probably won't ever change. It tells git to stop checking that huge folder every time for changes, locally, since it won't have any. The assume-unchanged index will be reset and file(s) overwritten if there are upstream changes to the file/folder (when you pull).
git update-index --assume-unchanged
This is to tell git you want your own independent version of the file or folder. For instance, you don't want to overwrite (or delete) production/staging config files.
git update-index --skip-worktree
It's important to know that git update-index will not propagate with git, and each user will have to run it independently.
I haven't used my old MBP 13 for nearly a month. This evening I picked it up and opened the iTerm2 then connected to my home server through ssh. I noticed I get a white-black colored terminal. What's wrong? I remembered it was colorful when I logged into this machine last time using iTerm2 on my MBP 15.
Firstly, I checked the version of iTerm2, it was a bit old, so I updated it first. Unfortunately, it doesn't help.
I noticed I was using bash instead of zsh on this machine. So I ran chsh and changed the shell from bash to ssh. It also doesn't help.
Then I find this answer from A comment in this answer reminded me: I should check and compare the terminal configuration in iTerm2. So I found the secret!
Command + ,
open the preference, then click the profiles
tab, then change the Report terminal type
from xterm
to xterm-256
color, that's it!
- safely convert Unix TimeStamp to string :
- DI with parameters in constructor
services.AddScoped<SmsSentLogRepo>(s => new SmsSentLogRepo(Configuration.GetConnectionString("sms")));
- You should use ConfigureAwait(false) in your library code. source
- 去 下载安装
- 右键点击“中”字图标,在弹出菜单中点击“输入法设定”
- 在弹出窗口中点击“获取更多输入方案”,这时会弹出一个 cmd 窗口让你输入需要添加的方案
- 先输入 rime-wubi 回车,wubi就自动装上了
- 再输入 rime-pinyin-simp 回车,拼音也装上了。
- 回车并随手关掉这个 cmd 窗口,加输入法的工作就完成了。
- 回到刚才点击 “获取更多输入方案” 的窗口,勾掉你不需要的那些七七八八的输入法,选中刚刚添加上的“五笔拼音”,然后再点一下 “中”按钮 (不是右下角的“中”图标),选择一个你喜欢的风格。
Mission Accomplished!
Enjoy 你的五笔拼音吧! (By the way,写此Blog时我用的小狼毫版本是 0.14.3 )