A simple nfs server on centos

At the server end

choose a server as the nfs-server, do things below in root role

dnf -y install nfs-utils
mkdir /mnt/nfs-share
chown -R nobody /mnt/nfs-share/

vim /etc/exports
add a line
save and exit

systemctl enable nfs-server
systemctl start nfs-server

At the client end

dnf -y install nfs-utils
mkdir /mnt/nfs-local
chown -R nobody /mnt/nfs-local/

vim /etc/hosts
add a line, replace 192.168.xxx.yyy to the IP addr of your NFS server
nfs-server 192.168.xxx.yyy 

vim /etc/fstab
add a line
nfs-server:/mnt/nfs-share  /mnt/nfs-local   nfs defaults   0 0
save and exit
mount -a # to confirm what you have done is right

other utils:

You could use showmount -e 192.168.xxx.yyy to get a share list from the nfs server.

Don't simple unset them afterward when using `shopt` change a setting

Sometimes we need to run shopt -s dotglob nullglob before moving files including dotfiles. So there's another question, do we need to set it back afterward? The most correct answer is

It's usually not clear if either dotglob or nullglob were already set before running shopt -s to set them. Thus, blindly un-setting them may not be the proper reset to do. Setting them in a subshell would leave the current shell's settings unchanged:

( shopt -s dotglob nullglob; mv /public/* /public_html/ )

Reference: Jeff Schaller's answer under this question


2014年底翻译了这篇文章,当时发表在GotGit 群组,搬过来留存一下

作者:Jeff Kreeftmeijer 发表于 2010-10-11 原文链接

大约一个月前, 以Git为主题我写了不少文章,始于@nvie 出色的git开发流程教你写出更好的提交注释,终结于强大的reflog和惊人强大的bisect 。你猜怎么着?我竟然忘记了介绍神奇的rebase







$ git rebase develop

First, rewinding head to replay your work on top of it...
Fast-forwarded feature/login to develop.




$ git rebase develop

First, rewinding head to replay your work on top of it...
Applying: feature/login
Using index info to reconstruct a base tree...
Falling back to patching base and 3-way merge...
Auto-merging config/environment.rb
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in config/environment.rb
Failed to merge in the changes.
Patch failed at 0001 feature/login

When you have resolved this problem run "git rebase continue".
If you would prefer to skip this patch, instead run "git rebase
To restore the original branch and stop rebasing run "git rebase --abort".

由于rebase顺序重放每一个提交,冲突会以更小的块(更多的次数)出现,这有助于我们迅速理解冲突原因,更快地解决冲突。在解决冲突之后,只需git add冲突文件,然后输入下面的命令继续rebase过程:

$ git rebase --continue

##rebase 还是 merge

当我们工作于一个功能分支,发现需要 develop 分支上的所有变更时,我建议使用rebase。当我们的功能分支已经开发完成,应该使用 merge 把功能分支合并回 develop分支。这样我们能够记录下我们在何时把分支合并到 develop 主干,就是利用那个...我们前面说过的“乱七八糟”的提交。在这个时候,它真的不是乱七八糟的提交,确实不是。


你用过rebase吗?你在何时使用 rebase 不用 merge?还是只用 rebase?你还害怕rebase吗?欢迎撰写评论留下你的想法,让我知道。

PS: 这篇文章虽然写于2010年,但写的清晰明快。我今天(2014年)把它翻译过来,希望能帮助到更多的人。rebase是一个很好的工具,只要你愿意了解它。

Tuple type in C#

It's a rather interesting feature. I first use it the same way as the python tuple type. I immediately found I was wrong. It doesn't support using an index to visit certain element

Stupid enough. I think. Soon I found the correct way, you know, the Item1, Item2 way.

It's so Stupid! Then I found the best way: the named element way.

Task<(List<string> orderIdList, List<string> orderNoList)> GetExpiringOrderIdListAndOrderNoList(DateTime checkTime);

Ok. It's not very stupid.

flameshot: a better screenshot tool with editing support for ubuntu