Just record what I made Nginx working with a project located in someone's HOME directory on a Linux machine with SELinux on.
- Nginx seems working normally, but it actually Didn't listen to a non-80 port at all. If it reports
ValueError: Port tcp/8081 already defined
, replace -a
with -m
semanage port -a -t http_port_t -p tcp 8081
telnet localhost 8081
works, but telnet 8081
from another machine not working!
firewall-cmd permanent add-port=8081/tcp
firewall-cmd --reload
- Everything seems working good, but when you visit your site, Nginx just gives you a 403! You should ensure Nginx can access your project directory, everyone knows that, but is not enough when SELinux is on.
setsebool -P httpd_enable_homedirs 1
setenforce 0
systemctl restart nginx
systemctl daemon-reload
I had written the following code in a project
return s && s.value || null
It works well for some days until a colleague did some code refactoring. In the beginning, s.value is a string value, and an empty string is not a valid value, so the code works well. After the refactoring, s.value became an integer, and this time 0
is a valid value. So you can imagine when s.value === 0
the code above will return null instead of 0. It leads to a bug!
Therefore please use the"A || B
" expression with caution!
- shadowsocks-libev-local
- kcptun-client
- 需要下载的软件只有这俩,一开始没有下载 shadowsocks-libev-local而是尝试用机器里已经下载好的 shadowsocksR-local 代替,未成功(并不一定是ssR的锅....
- 下载了kcptun,也配置了使用 kcptun,但kcptun服务一直不启动的原因是kcptun客户端的程序名字与系统中设置的不一致。安装好的客户端名字叫 kcptun-c 但默认配置的名字不是这个,务必要到「自动更新」那一页改一下配置。
- 「全局配置」页配置:
- TCP节点:SS+Kcptun: 节点名
- UDP节眯:与TCP节点相同
- Socks5节点:与TCP节点相同
- DNS服务器(UDP): 默认
- DNS模式: DNS2SOCKS + 使用Socks5节点解析
- DNS地址: (Google DNS)
- DNS劫持: 选中
- 默认代理模式: GFW列表 (重要...尤其远程调试的时候,别瞎选全局...配不好的情况下一开代理,网会断,波及远程桌面!
- 本机代理模式: GFW列表
- 「节点页」配置:
- 服务器:
- 使用ipv6: 不选中
- 端口: kcptun 客户端打算用的端口
- 加密方式: ss服务器用到的加密方式
- 连接超时: 300 (默认值不用改
- tcp快速打开: false (默认值不用改
- 插件: 无
- 使用kcptun: checkbox要勾中(废话
- kcptun服务器: 你的kcptun服务器IP或域名
- 使用ipv6: 不选中
- kcptun参数配置: 把kcptun服务器配置的那堆参数照抄过来(只要端口参数之外的参数,一定要拿掉 -r -l 这两参数哦!
Two articles explain well this subject. One is in Chinese, the other is in English.